bite club

Get access to curated content. Unlock special offers like members-only discounts. And join the vibrant community of grazing enthusiasts.


  • By joining bite club, you're getting access to premium content, exclusive offers, and a supportive community that's crafted just for our members. The membership fee helps us continue to create high-quality, curated grazing board tutorials, seasonal menu previews, and unique benefits tailored to you. It also ensures that we can offer you the best in terms of exclusive discounts and early access to products that aren’t available anywhere else. Your support allows us to keep delivering fresh, creative content and rewards to elevate your grazing experience!

  • While our social media offers fun inspiration, Bite Club gives you exclusive access to premium content, like step-by-step grazing board tutorials, special discounts, and early access to seasonal boards that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, you’ll be part of a members-only community where you can share ideas, get advice, and participate in fun, interactive challenges.

  • Yes! You can cancel your bite club membership at any time with no hidden fees or commitments. Simply log in to your account and manage your subscription from there. Once you cancel, you’ll have access to your membership benefits until the end of the billing cycle.

  • We release fresh content regularly, with new tutorials, tips, and ideas available each month. You'll also receive exclusive offers and early access to special products and seasonal boards at least quarterly—so there's always something new to enjoy!

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