what to wear: wine tasting in sonoma county

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What should I wear wine tasting in Sonoma County? This is often a question I get from friends that are coming to visit. And it’s a good one! Wine tasting is one of the highlights for a trip to Sonoma County. So. Much. Good. Wine. So when you plan a whole day to taste at a few different places, you have to plan what to wear. And if I can give you only one piece of advice — make it comfortable. You are going to spend all day in this outfit and you are going to be walking, and standing, a lot. But since I can give you way more pieces than just one, here’s some additional advice to help you pack, or get dressed.

what to wear when it’s hot

what to wear wine tasting in sonoma county - dress and sandals

Did you plan yourself the perfect day to sip wine through Sonoma County in August? Jealous. Wear a sundress or maxi dress with sandals to make sure you keep cool all day.

what to wear when it’s cold

Now cold here during the day typically means around 50 degrees, so you can leave your snow gear at home. But you will want warmer layers. Try a chunky sweater with jeans and booties.

what to wear when it’s raining

what to wear wine tasting in sonoma county - over the knee boots and coat

It doesn’t happen as often as we need it, but occasionally your wine tasting day can get some wet weather. Opt for a practical outer layer – you can immediately take it off when you get inside so you don’t have to feel underdressed. Or wear a classic trench coat with a button up and cute rainboots (everyone loves a good excuse for cute rainboots!)

some additional notes


Unless you’ve scheduled a private tasting, most tasting rooms are standing only, so be prepared to be on your feet all day. Plus, if you tour the property at all, you’ll probably be walking through various terrains – think dirt, gravel, lawn, etc. Many wineries have a picnic location or bocce ball to play, so comfortable footwear is a must. Therefore, while your new stilettos will be perfect for going out to dinner that night, I would recommend leaving them at home for the day. If you want the extra height, go for a wedge or chunky heel instead. Foolproof option: ballet flats.


You’ve heard me talk about layers before. I love them. But especially when wine tasting — you never know what the weather is going to be like! If you plan on being gone all day, you could start with 45 degree fog in the morning and end up with 80 degree sun by the afternoon. So sweaters and jackets are a must. Foolproof option: a blazer.


Let me just say this right now — anything that’s big and bulky or requires the use of hands, don’t bring it. You’ll regret it. You either have to lug it around all day and it becomes heavy and burdensome or you have to juggle it with your glass of wine and phone while you’re trying to take a cheers boomerang. Yea, I see you. We’ve all done it. Plus, if you try to set it down somewhere you run the risk of forgetting it, or getting wine spilled on it. Trust me, it’s happened. Foolproof option: a crossbody bag.

Well, that’s all for now. Hope that helps you! Anyone planning a trip to wine taste in Sonoma County soon?!

some of my other favorite wine tasting looks

Kelly Cerri

I’m the one my friends always call while standing in front of their closet trying to figure out what to wear. I have always had a passion for style and love being a go-to resource for people looking for advice. Whether you need help with what to wear or how to set a table for dinner, I'm your girl. I share all things about life, modern day etiquette and casual everyday style.


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